Yesterday… after less than an hour and only three wipes… The Cookies killed the final boss of Castle Nathria, Sire Denathrius! It took us seven weeks. Seven weeks of dedicated, painstaking, laugh inducing HARD WORK to get there and WE DID IT! It’s not over obvi, we will be moving on to Heroics, and then eventually Mythics, and all of the other raids once they finally open up. But for now, let’s just enjoy and celebrate this one accomplishment and the road that led us here.

This time last year we had two… read that again… TWO… we had two people in this guild. Noob and I were in here PVP’ing our butts off each night running away from responsibilities and Classic WoW. During those late night escapes our chats would invariably lead to guilds of the past, what we liked, what we didn’t, and how we would do it if we only could! And in one short very fast year, here we play with over 400 toons in this guild which equates to roughly 187 individual people! There are a few of you gunning for the ALTAHOLIC Hall of Shame! 😛

Your Raid Leaders have worked TIRELESSLY to ensure they did their research, made sure consumables were available, and dealt with me challenging them every single week to get where we are now and they deserve ALL THE GLORY! Each of you have also tirelessly worked at your own personal ilevels and gear to be ready, some of you show up with your own consumables OR you’ve donated materials or gold to the cause. And my favorite part, you ALL show up and continued to learn the mechanics, to communicate either your thoughts or strategies, AND still had fun and laughed!  We accomplished this together as a guild and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Cookie Boss Lady, Azeroth citizen since 2006, part time DM, full time smart ass.