The Officers

Your officers are here to assist YOU as well as helping pave the way for new cookies everywhere.  They are here to help Mid stay organized and allow all of us to be able to enjoy the game as much as we can by maintaining some structure and helping out where needed.  Feel free to reach out anytime you have a question!




As the official Cookie Recruitment Officer, Spongie will most likely be the first Cookie you encounter in the wild!  He will be there for you to provide all of the initial information you may need and help smooth your transition to the cookie family.  You can usually find Spongie online each evening as well as our discord channels guiding the conversations into random twists and turns that’ll have you laughing until your cheeks hurt… the cheeks on your face I mean… anywhoo… with Spongie what you see is what you get… and what you get is… well we’ll let you see for yourself.  And finally, unlike our favorite Mogwai, Spongie is totally fine in water, but definitely don’t feed him after midnight… not because he turns into a gremlin… but because he turns into a Snorlax.  Yeah yeah, I know I mixed up a ton of references but that’s just the way this cookie crumbles!  BTW… a quote you’ll hear from him regularly is “Fucking A Titty Bags”.




Llonis is one of our BAMF’s on PVP and regularly partners with his brother Disc on making sure the Cookies are laying down the best strats for our RBG’s.  You can find Llonis online on a more regular schedule these days since he got fancy and bought some new alien gear for his lap… because he fancy.  He will be on Discord and you’ll usually recognize him when you hear, “No, not like this”!  And you’ll usually hear that phrase while he’s trying to keep you from dying most likely because you didn’t turtle… or shadowmeld… or even realize you still had shadowmeld… at least that’s when I’ve… never mind we’re getting off track here.  Llonis is not only here to help but also here to help keep you alive by murdering anything between him and you staying alive.




Disk is my go to dude on any & all questions/updates relating to WoW.  But he’s also got a wealth of knowledge on how to most efficiently get the highest amount of utility and damage with most of your toons! Disk is currently recovering from his Demon Hunter antics IRL, so you will usually find him online at odd hours of the day and night.  One thing you will hear in Discord (and one of my favorite things) is that when he lol’s, he will literally say/spell L, O, L while also loling.  It’s the bee’s knees.  Disk and his brother Llonis will be our primary strat masters for our RBG’s and will make sure we do what we need to do to get our rating up!  Disk’s favorite quote and you will hear it often, “Hakuna your Tata’s”.  Usually while telling mobs what he thinks of them and the lineage they came from as he mows them all down and laughs over the dead bloody pieces he’s left behind… wow that got dark quick… well, like I said… Disk is here to help!  




Wise is the all around Cookie wrangler and does an excellent job as my general gatekeeper!  He loves to answer all of your questions on whatever you may need regarding the game.  Be prepared for his quick wit and sense of humor though because he’s always ready with something smart to say.  You will find him online pretty regularly and when he’s not you can usually get his attention in Discord.  Whatever you do, don’t ask him about the Fishing Pole incident… or the what’s up dog incident… or his opinions on my opinion on mac & cheese.  You’ll know when Wise is ready to do whatever it is we have planned for the moment, because he’ll say… “ok bet, lemme go hang my head out the window real quick”.




Resonate has so many other names that he goes by that we just cut to the chase and call him by his actual name.  James has begrudgingly been strongarmed into accepting the raid lead role which means he gets to study up on all of the fights in a raid for all of the roles and then figure out how to explain it all to the rest of us in his surprisingly very calm baritone.  You’re probably thinking to yourself what kind of masochistic psycho would ever willingly take that on, well… the same person who spent hours upon hours on his shitty rogue to get him geared and then decided he didn’t like it after all and picked something else to play.  Aside from his obvious commitment issues to playing a main toon, James has a wealth of knowledge on all things LOTR and will randomly drop phrases that you will be judged harshly on if you don’t immediately recognize it…I mean it’s fine… I’m fine… uhhh where were we… oh yeah James is great.  You can find him online and on Discord pumpin’ hard on all the Azeroth stuffs and you may hear him say things like “Why don’t you fuck me you coward”.         


Now you know a little bit about The Cookie Leaders.  Reach out to any of us and we will gladly help you or point you in the right direction!